Not a bank account. It's better. Stop letting banking just happen to you. Become a Member-Owner of a local credit union with a no-monthly service fee' checking account. VantageWest VISA VantageWest BANKS OWN YOU. YOU OWN US. CREDIT UNION Subject to approval. Certain restrictions apply. "Minimum opening deposit of $20 required. Essential Checking requires eStatements; paper statements are not available with Essential Checking. Subject to change without notice. Federally insured by NCUA. Not a bank account. It's better. Stop letting banking just happen to you. Become a Member-Owner of a local credit union with a no-monthly service fee' checking account. VantageWest VISA VantageWest BANKS OWN YOU. YOU OWN US. CREDIT UNION Subject to approval. Certain restrictions apply. "Minimum opening deposit of $20 required. Essential Checking requires eStatements; paper statements are not available with Essential Checking. Subject to change without notice. Federally insured by NCUA.