A stay at The Russ House places you in the heart of Tombstone Arizona, within a RUSS HOt SE 1-minute walk of Historic Allen Street. The Russ House Bed and Breakfast is a welcoming beacon to bygone days... HE 131 S 5th St/PO Box 399 Tombstone Az 85638 RUSS HOUSE 520-506-6442 EST. 18808- BOUTIQUE HOTEL I TOMBSTONE. AZ Russhousetombstone.com A stay at The Russ House places you in the heart of Tombstone Arizona, within a RUSS HOt SE 1-minute walk of Historic Allen Street. The Russ House Bed and Breakfast is a welcoming beacon to bygone days... HE 131 S 5th St/PO Box 399 Tombstone Az 85638 RUSS HOUSE 520-506-6442 EST. 18808- BOUTIQUE HOTEL I TOMBSTONE. AZ Russhousetombstone.com