Good Enough Mine Tours Adults $20 Military/Senior $18 6-12 yrs $10 5 & under FREE : ! 45 Min. fully I I narrated walking I I Tour 100ft below the surface to the workings of a real 1880's Silver mine. Check out Toughnut Dinner Theater, Birthday Parties, School groups, Wedding & Vow renewal We have a unique Venue. Trolley Tour Adults $15 Military/Senior $12 6-12 yrs $8 5 & under FREE 40 Min. historical 6 mile tour, covering 55 i landmarks. -GOOD ENDOCH MINI TROLLER TOURS The GOODENOUGH Founded 182E SILVER MINE 501 E Toughnut, Tombstone AZ 520-457-3333 Good Enough Mine Tours Adults $ 20 Military / Senior $ 18 6-12 yrs $ 10 5 & under FREE : ! 45 Min . fully I I narrated walking I I Tour 100ft below the surface to the workings of a real 1880's Silver mine . Check out Toughnut Dinner Theater , Birthday Parties , School groups , Wedding & Vow renewal We have a unique Venue . Trolley Tour Adults $ 15 Military / Senior $ 12 6-12 yrs $ 8 5 & under FREE 40 Min . historical 6 mile tour , covering 55 i landmarks . -GOOD ENDOCH MINI TROLLER TOURS The GOODENOUGH Founded 182E SILVER MINE 501 E Toughnut , Tombstone AZ 520-457-3333