Welcome Misty Decker, CNM, RNC-EFM Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified Nurse Midwife Sierra Vista Medical Group Obstetrics and Gynecology 5750 E Hwy 90 Suite 300B Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 Specializes in: Routine gynecological care 1 Birth control options Family planning, childbirth, & prenatal care 1 Menopause transition - Hormone Replacement & Bioidentical Hormones 1 STD screening Medical School: Midwifery Institute of Philadelphia University Philadelphia, PA Welcoming new patients Appointments may be made by calling 520.263.3620 CANYON VISTA MEDICAL CENTER SierraVistaMedicalGroup.org This facityand itsaffits complywith applicable Federal cil ights laws and does notdisciminate on the basis of race, colo, atonal origin, age, disabiliy or sex ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüistica. Llame al 1-520-263-2000. Di baa akó nínízin: Dií saa bee yánitigo Diné Bizaad, saad bee ákáánída'áwo'déé, tá jikeh, éi ná hóló, koji hódifinih ápeaógaéécaóóó. WICK247845 Welcome Misty Decker, CNM, RNC-EFM Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified Nurse Midwife Sierra Vista Medical Group Obstetrics and Gynecology 5750 E Hwy 90 Suite 300B Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 Specializes in: Routine gynecological care 1 Birth control options Family planning, childbirth, & prenatal care 1 Menopause transition - Hormone Replacement & Bioidentical Hormones 1 STD screening Medical School: Midwifery Institute of Philadelphia University Philadelphia, PA Welcoming new patients Appointments may be made by calling 520.263.3620 CANYON VISTA MEDICAL CENTER SierraVistaMedicalGroup.org This facityand itsaffits complywith applicable Federal cil ights laws and does notdisciminate on the basis of race, colo, atonal origin, age, disabiliy or sex ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüistica. Llame al 1-520-263-2000. Di baa akó nínízin: Dií saa bee yánitigo Diné Bizaad, saad bee ákáánída'áwo'déé, tá jikeh, éi ná hóló, koji hódifinih ápeaógaéécaóóó. WICK247845