For over 100 years the Gadsden has been host to history and we welcome you to join that history and spend some time with us. Come and experience a preserved piece of history in Douglas, AZ. FOLLOLLER HOTEL DODREIOS GADSDEN DOUGLAS HOTEL ARIZONA EST, 1907 The Gadsden Hotel 1046 N. G Ave, Douglas, AZ 85607 (520) 364-4481 WWW.THEGADSDENHOTEL.COM 333 CAFÉ RESTAURANT BAR Monday-Saturday 7am-9pm Sunday 7am-2pm (520)-364-4482 For over 100 years the Gadsden has been host to history and we welcome you to join that history and spend some time with us . Come and experience a preserved piece of history in Douglas , AZ . FOLLOLLER HOTEL DODREIOS GADSDEN DOUGLAS HOTEL ARIZONA EST , 1907 The Gadsden Hotel 1046 N. G Ave , Douglas , AZ 85607 ( 520 ) 364-4481 WWW.THEGADSDENHOTEL.COM 333 CAFÉ RESTAURANT BAR Monday - Saturday 7 am-9pm Sunday 7 am-2pm ( 520 ) -364-4482