Thank you Benson for Voting your VFW Best local charity or non-profit. VFW Post 6271 serving Benson Area 75 Years College Scholarships * Veteran Assistance Friday Night Dinner Hall Kitchen Cleaning. Bartender OF SANS Hall Rentals - Public (Non Members) For any occasion TOREIGN UNITED STATES Daily/Event Rental $150 $50 $50 $50 233 E 5th ST, Benson, Az 520-586-2197 Check out our Facebook for events and time. Hours: Mon-Sat 12 PM-8 PM Sun 12 PM-6 PM Thank you Benson for Voting your VFW Best local charity or non - profit . VFW Post 6271 serving Benson Area 75 Years College Scholarships * Veteran Assistance Friday Night Dinner Hall Kitchen Cleaning . Bartender OF SANS Hall Rentals - Public ( Non Members ) For any occasion TOREIGN UNITED STATES Daily / Event Rental $ 150 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 233 E 5th ST , Benson , Az 520-586-2197 Check out our Facebook for events and time . Hours : Mon - Sat 12 PM - 8 PM Sun 12 PM - 6 PM